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+91 7479034184 / 7479034185

Our hostels are Well-furnished and it’s a separate hostel for boys and girls. The Boys’ and Girls’ hostels are located on the Institute campus with separate mess facilities. The Institute assists those who are unable to obtain a room in the Institute hostel due to a lack of available space for that student’s institute have help to book another hostel around our institute.

We provide all of the students, who come from different states and cities, with a secure environment.

Safe atmosphere or desecrated environment

KBSSM Institute offers separate hostels for boys & girls and its rooms are shareable for 3 and 4 students respectively

Rule regulation of Hostels

KBSSM provides you with a warm, welcoming for those students who want to join our courses. All students enrolled in management courses are welcome to stay in one of our hostels and high-quality service to make your stay comfortable, pleasurable, and safe. Here you can get the best place to comfortably stay at an affordable price with a secure atmosphere.